Friday, December 18, 2009

If only every day could be so perfect

Today was a great day.

First of all, darling husband who had been in a jury trial all week returned home.  That alone is awesome.  Then, after the varsity and jv (high school daughter and middle schoolers) (and Nolan) kids went to school we took Emmeline & the three of us went Christmas shopping.   Hunky husband and I shared coffee, talked about our kids, hugely enjoyed our blossoming toddler, and stirred up love.   Have I mentioned lately how incredible he is?   I love my man, peeps!

Later in the day I picked up jvs, and they were giddy with excitement to be out of school.  Everyone was in a fabulous mood; Dad got home early, driven by Chloe who just got her driver's permit; and we went out to eat (almost never do this but my oven is still broken).

Got home, bathed baby, watched Frosty, and kids fell into bed, bellies full & bodies exhausted from giggling so much.  

I don't need gifts for Christmas; what more is there to have?

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