I'm not complaining here readers, but swooosh that was ONE CRAZY WEEK we had:
calls from school about daughter's shorts being too short
no call from school which surprised me: one of my kids broke a window
field day
first dance for my sixth graders
talent show
spring concert
high school registration
Good Grief! Bring on summer!
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Here a duck, there a duck
Last week before school my son noticed this momma duck and her fifteen ducklings crossing our yard. We followed them to the neighbor's where they disappeared to the backyard.
I worried about these ducklings all day. It was hot. There is no water source anywhere near our house -- we live at the top of a hill. The thought of those ducklings suffering in the heat and the mother hopelessly looking for water is too much to stand! Readers, if I see them again I will let you know!!!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
It's an Oregon thing
There are a lot of places to eat in Oregon which have character. This place takes the cake:
Cannon Beach
Over the Memorial Day Weekend we spent the last day at the beach. The day started off windy and overcast, but the last hour we were there it was about 70 with very little wind. I almost didn't go. I knew it equalled many, many hours of additional work. In the end I was glad I went -- not many years left with the eight of us together so we're trying to seize our opportunities.

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Hey, batter batter batter, swing
We are fortuante to live within a reasonable drive to some fabulous parks. With weather in the high 70s we seized the moment and hit the road.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
That'll teach me
Miss Little Baby is throwing her (15 lb.) weight around:
Today a contractor came to bid on a repair we need to have done. We do not *want* to have it done ... just needs to be fixed. Anyway, the entire time I was attempting to talk with him about the details of the project Emmeline was loud and complain-y. Not crying. Just loudly repeating one noise, pausing to take breaths then starting again.
I carried her. I tried to set her in her high chair with some Cheerios. I tried putting her in her jump up. I offered her water. I checked her diaper. Literally, her vocalizations were so loud they hurt my ears. Contractor kept looking at me like I should be able to quiet her. I couldn't.
Contractor was patient up to a point, then said he would email the quote. There were questions I wanted to ask that didn't get answered.
After he closed the door and left Emmeline was perfectly quiet. I said, "Emmeline, I actually needed to talk to him!" She smiled, looked me in the eye and said, "HEH!"
She was a cheerful bird from the minute he left. What I HOPE is she is having "man phobia" which my oldest daughter also had as a baby -- any man besides Daddy was scary. That makes sense, right? She's not showing signs of manipulative powers beyond her age, right?
Today a contractor came to bid on a repair we need to have done. We do not *want* to have it done ... just needs to be fixed. Anyway, the entire time I was attempting to talk with him about the details of the project Emmeline was loud and complain-y. Not crying. Just loudly repeating one noise, pausing to take breaths then starting again.
I carried her. I tried to set her in her high chair with some Cheerios. I tried putting her in her jump up. I offered her water. I checked her diaper. Literally, her vocalizations were so loud they hurt my ears. Contractor kept looking at me like I should be able to quiet her. I couldn't.
Contractor was patient up to a point, then said he would email the quote. There were questions I wanted to ask that didn't get answered.
After he closed the door and left Emmeline was perfectly quiet. I said, "Emmeline, I actually needed to talk to him!" She smiled, looked me in the eye and said, "HEH!"
She was a cheerful bird from the minute he left. What I HOPE is she is having "man phobia" which my oldest daughter also had as a baby -- any man besides Daddy was scary. That makes sense, right? She's not showing signs of manipulative powers beyond her age, right?
Friday, May 15, 2009
Me and babe
My I Love Faces friends, you will not approve of the grainy quality of these pictures. I know if I had time I could spiffy them up. But they are dear to me as they are; I see glimpses of my other children in these pictures. The memories of my other children's infancies have taken me by surprise; things I had long forgotten have come back with clear recall. What a gift!

Emmeline started giving intentional kisses about a month ago. Here she is giving Mommy a big kiss.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
This doesn't really count, does it?
This morning was only marginally better than yesterday's.
Nolan got up at 5:40 am to get ready for his field trip to the Oregon coast. The bus was to leave at 8. Never mind, up and at 'em mom, dad, and Emmeline. Time's a wasting.
Nolan cried for a loooong time when I explained I would drive him to school at 7:45, not 6:15, to play on the playground and wait for the bus. Cried loudly, and all morning. My remark that the "hat" requirement on the gear list does not mean a $.05 black plastic magician's top hat received at a birthday party only added to the growling.
At 7:40 I asked Suzanna if she had brushed her teeth and if she wanted a ride to school. Yes, she wanted a ride, and she would be right down after cleaning her chompers.
7:45, baby in carseat in car, Nolan moving around boosters in car. General mayhem and by now I have quite a headache. I call out, "All set?" and get an "All set" reply. Close the garage door and off we go.
7:48 I pull up to the school and Nolan hops out. A group of his classmates actually cheers when they see him, and I see Nolan grin ear to ear. I say aloud, "Second grade boys are so cute!". I do not get a response, but barely notice since I am most importantly driving and looking for young children who might have strayed into the road.
7:49 I pull into the school drop off line and say aloud, "Bye Suzanna, have a great day!"
No opening of the door, no response at all.
I turn in the car. There is only Emmeline. I think that Suzanna must have jumped out with Nolan, and gone behind my car instead of in front so I didn't see her. I chuckle aloud at how goofy and tired I am. I am a little embarrassed the parents behind me in "drop off "will see no children leaving my car. No matter, I have done worse. I slowly slink off.
Once I get home I carry baby inside and say, again aloud, "Emmeline, let's go find Chloe." We turn the corner and there, on the couch, is a Super. Grumpy. Suzanna. I stared at her in utter confusion.
Readers, you no doubt have already figured out the obvious. I had left her behind. But, her 14.5 year old sister was home so it doesn't count as complete abandonment, does it??? Please help a mom out here and answer me with a resounding NO, or better yet a story of your own mistake!!!
Nolan got up at 5:40 am to get ready for his field trip to the Oregon coast. The bus was to leave at 8. Never mind, up and at 'em mom, dad, and Emmeline. Time's a wasting.
Nolan cried for a loooong time when I explained I would drive him to school at 7:45, not 6:15, to play on the playground and wait for the bus. Cried loudly, and all morning. My remark that the "hat" requirement on the gear list does not mean a $.05 black plastic magician's top hat received at a birthday party only added to the growling.
At 7:40 I asked Suzanna if she had brushed her teeth and if she wanted a ride to school. Yes, she wanted a ride, and she would be right down after cleaning her chompers.
7:45, baby in carseat in car, Nolan moving around boosters in car. General mayhem and by now I have quite a headache. I call out, "All set?" and get an "All set" reply. Close the garage door and off we go.
7:48 I pull up to the school and Nolan hops out. A group of his classmates actually cheers when they see him, and I see Nolan grin ear to ear. I say aloud, "Second grade boys are so cute!". I do not get a response, but barely notice since I am most importantly driving and looking for young children who might have strayed into the road.
7:49 I pull into the school drop off line and say aloud, "Bye Suzanna, have a great day!"
No opening of the door, no response at all.
I turn in the car. There is only Emmeline. I think that Suzanna must have jumped out with Nolan, and gone behind my car instead of in front so I didn't see her. I chuckle aloud at how goofy and tired I am. I am a little embarrassed the parents behind me in "drop off "will see no children leaving my car. No matter, I have done worse. I slowly slink off.
Once I get home I carry baby inside and say, again aloud, "Emmeline, let's go find Chloe." We turn the corner and there, on the couch, is a Super. Grumpy. Suzanna. I stared at her in utter confusion.
Readers, you no doubt have already figured out the obvious. I had left her behind. But, her 14.5 year old sister was home so it doesn't count as complete abandonment, does it??? Please help a mom out here and answer me with a resounding NO, or better yet a story of your own mistake!!!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Let us high to the playground ...
Chloe had her spelling bee yesterday. I could say she was one of 8 out of 60,000 students, but that is totally misleading since there are only 31 in her entire grade. And, there is one 8th grade class in our tiny district. So, she was there representing her district of 31. It was actually Chloe herself who pointed this out to me. Still -- my kid is in a spelling bee! Whoo Hoo!
Anyway, about three words into the gig the adult giving the test said, "High. Let us high to the playground before chores. High." Huh? The parents looked around. High? Can that be right?
Actually it is spelled HIE. Hie.
Learned something new! And by the way Chloe did not place, but was given a $30. gift card to Powells Bookstore.
Anyway, about three words into the gig the adult giving the test said, "High. Let us high to the playground before chores. High." Huh? The parents looked around. High? Can that be right?
Actually it is spelled HIE. Hie.
Learned something new! And by the way Chloe did not place, but was given a $30. gift card to Powells Bookstore.
A strong cup of coffee would have been better
Oh, Mommies, yuck. Woke up this morning to raccoons having scattered our trash all over the lawn, and it wasn't pretty: dirty diapers, coffee filters, trash from bathrooms, and empty Eggo boxes (yes normally we recycle, am not sure why they got put in the trash. And yes, frugal friends, sometimes I make my own waffles, or Nolan makes them).
My day can only get better, right?
My day can only get better, right?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
City wide track meet
Here is baby, waiting and wanting dinner. Put the camera down, silly mommy, and gimme my pasta medley!
I keep forgetting to post our pictures from last Saturday's meet. Here is Megan taking off in her relay race.
Brian placed third in his heat in hurdles, and had fun doing it!
Believe it or not, I am sad to see track end. Most the of their meets were in good weather, and the younger two kids had friends who went, so they just ran around, too. Lucky for me I can have a kid in track for ... eight more years, and that's without counting baby Emmeline!!!!!
Mothers Day
Dear readers, I do hope you all had a wonderful Mothers Day! There is a lot of very moving, impressive, beautiful writing about motherhood on blogs right now. It's been a joy to read, thanks to you, authors!!! When my hubby was in Santa Fe (snacking on Airborne, see previous post!) he thoughtfully picked up a beautiful pair of of turquoise earrings and necklace for me, and gave me a sweet card. Awwwww. MOST IMPORTANTLY my ten year old daughter made me a chocolate pie from scratch. Crust from scratch, all of it! Is that not the best thing you've ever heard of? What a sweetheart! And, someone woke me up before 7:00am to serve me Cheerios in bed. Almost forgot!
Our lives are moving at the speed of light it seems. Our twins are at Outdoor School; it's opening week of our 7-8th grade cabaret; our relatives want to secure times this summer to visit; one of my kids' grades had a lice outbreak; Nolan is singing "Penny Lane" in the talent show; we hosted a Cinco de Mayo party for my husband's firm; (this required shopping for a dress, and purchasing of said dress without trying it on first. It was too big. Had to wear a belt of gold doggie bones, yes that's right, and a jacket to hide how huge it was on me.) and most pressing on my mind is Emmeline's hips seem to be too flexible. It was my husband who noticed it first -- they rotate too far out, as if her knees could rotate backwards to reach the floor when she is sitting. STAT to the PED!!!!!!!! She isn't in pain, and because we have been through hip issues before (Legg Calve Perthes, email me if you want info!) I know one day's difference makes no difference at all. She puts weight on her legs, jumps, etc. so it's not interfering with anything right now ... just gives me the heebie geebies.
Okay that was a lot of boring stuff, and I know y'all don't really care about that. Let's see some pictures, cuz I know why you are here!!!
Edit: pictures will be posted next time baby sleeps.
Our lives are moving at the speed of light it seems. Our twins are at Outdoor School; it's opening week of our 7-8th grade cabaret; our relatives want to secure times this summer to visit; one of my kids' grades had a lice outbreak; Nolan is singing "Penny Lane" in the talent show; we hosted a Cinco de Mayo party for my husband's firm; (this required shopping for a dress, and purchasing of said dress without trying it on first. It was too big. Had to wear a belt of gold doggie bones, yes that's right, and a jacket to hide how huge it was on me.) and most pressing on my mind is Emmeline's hips seem to be too flexible. It was my husband who noticed it first -- they rotate too far out, as if her knees could rotate backwards to reach the floor when she is sitting. STAT to the PED!!!!!!!! She isn't in pain, and because we have been through hip issues before (Legg Calve Perthes, email me if you want info!) I know one day's difference makes no difference at all. She puts weight on her legs, jumps, etc. so it's not interfering with anything right now ... just gives me the heebie geebies.
Okay that was a lot of boring stuff, and I know y'all don't really care about that. Let's see some pictures, cuz I know why you are here!!!
Edit: pictures will be posted next time baby sleeps.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Gotta love that man ...
My husband flew to New Mexico to get an award. This is the email I got from him: To be extra safe I purchased a hand sanitizer here at the airport. However - I didn't read the Airborne directions and popped it my mouth - turns out it was an effervescent tablet to be placed in water - my mouth started foaming - I'm sure I scared some here in the boarding area....Sent by my BlackBerry Wireless
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Again with the cold?
You probably will not be able to tell Emmeline has another cold. But to her momma this picture shows her little eyes swollen and red, weepy and congested. So if you have been wondering why there have been no new entries ... baby with a cold taking all our attention.

On a more colorful note Chloe went to a fun birthday party last weekend. The girls went on a scavenger hunt at a local mall. One objective they had was to give the Queen for the Day a makeover. They look so happy and energetic in these shots!

It is fun to see Chloe smiling and being silly, because she is really working hard right now. She is acting attorney in her class mock trial; she is on the track team; she just completed piano exams; she is in cabaret which practices during the weeks & on Saturdays and Sundays; she just won the district spelling bee and has the county bee coming up. I don't think eighth grade was like this when I was in junior high.
On a more colorful note Chloe went to a fun birthday party last weekend. The girls went on a scavenger hunt at a local mall. One objective they had was to give the Queen for the Day a makeover. They look so happy and energetic in these shots!
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