There are a lot of places to eat in Oregon which have character. This place takes the cake:

For starters, Sasquatch yes, Sasquatch, meets you at the door. In Oregon Bigfoot is Big Stuff.

This poor logger seems to have lost a leg!!!

Above is an old article from the Oregonian about Paul Bunyan. I didn't read it but wanted to share the photo and size of the logs. I have seen log trucks like this my entire life, but readers you might not have!

These boys have ties on to practice shimmying up trees. I kid you not.

No eatery is complete without ye ole' stuffed cougar!!! In the outskirts of Portland there are cougars -- some elementary schools periodically close due to cougars stalking kids!

A special Oregon ambiance

In our state people like to paint on antique hand saws and then prominently display them. In their homes. How about where you live?
Colorado is painted-saw land, too. Dead animal heads are also a nice decorating touch in certain corners of the state.
I've never been to Oregon, but it's on my list. I imagine so much green it hurts.
Okay, this is weird - two Gretchen's in a row!
I'm afraid in Los Angeles people tend to use their old handsaws to dismember their fellow gang members after they've shot them. I'd rather have the dead animal heads!
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