Where have I been? Fear not, trusty readers, I am still around. Lately when I think of my life in print it reads too dull to write about. Seriously. I am busy, but it is bland. Peek:
Ohhhh I washed the side of the house! I did! It was fascinating, with green moss/algae running down the siding. While washing the house I discovered our contractor covered dry rot on our roof support with duct tape! It was awesome! And, I am filled cracks in our concrete with Quickcrete filler! And sprayed the entire house for spiders! I know, aren't you like totally jealous?
Aside from house maintenance ... hard to say which is taking more time: soccer, baby, kitchen duty or homework. Sometimes they mesh together, like at Nolan's soccer game when I yelled, "GO STINGING DENOMINATORS!!!!!" instead of (obviously) STINGING DOMINATORS! Yes, you know you are losing it when you scream algebraic expressions at a soccer game. Hey, at least I appeared mathematically inclined, right? {insert laughing, lots & lots of it}
Onward: Baby Lamb took her first steps! And Daddy was even home to see it! Isn't she cute? By the way we have had that box of markers for almost a decade, no exaggeration.

And ... we have had birthdays. And dances. Dances which require shopping for nice clothes. And soccer games clashing with dances, and dances clashing with birthdays. Soccer games ON birthdays has been ok; they are only 1 hour or so long after all. Still plenty o'time to wear the crown and strut around the house as Birthday Royalty.

And with that I scoot off to roll out calzones for dinner before we trek over across to the far side of the city to watch a soccer game. Gotta get at least one more in before the rain comes. Good bye for now fearless readers!
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