It's Sunday, and it's warm. Mid 70s warm. What are the kids to do when the lemonade stand dies off due to no interest? (I stopped underwriting lemonade stands a long time ago ... )

Why, dig out the camping gear and assemble a massive tent (which you have used exactly once before you realized you hate camping) for your family of eight. Confer with siblings that since dad is away on business he will never know (dad is not a tent-in-the-front-yard lover). Ultimately call dad on cell phone anyway to see where stakes are.

I don't think
I could put that tent together ...

My beautiful, complex, smart daughter

My funny, optimistic, sweet son

They are still outside accordingly playing "bloody murder". One of the girls who cannot tell a lie (Megan) assures me it is perfectly safe. Update: they are now playing "sardines". I don't care what they're playing. All but the teen are out there, goofing off and laughing. Laughing so hard I hear them through the baby monitor which can pick them up through the master bedroom windows (they are
closed). Ahhh, if only they keep this excitement all summer!
1 comment:
Hi!! My name is Kristen and we have 4 children ourselves. Found your blog and enjoyed what I read, maybe you could check mine out as well...I know that life with 6 children must be a little more hectic than life with 4....but maybe we could be buds!!
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