Monday, April 27, 2009
Twilight Zone
Emmeline has been fighting a cold which makes her a little more demanding. Still cute, but covered in snot and demanding. She has this endearing new habit when she nurses -- she has always grasped onto my pointer finger for all it's worth when she nurses, and now in addition without missing a beat she will pull off the Breast of Plenty and pull my finger into her mouth try to nurse my finger. Even when she is very sleepy, or very hungry. Even if my hand is quite far from her mouth. When I try to hold my hand back she kicks me and fusses. Then I tell her how silly she is and tickle her tummy. She looks at me, smiles, and goes back to the nipple. SO silly!!!
A quiet weekend in our wee house -- just the baby, the 14 year old, and the mom. Big, bigger and biggest as Chloe calls us. I enjoyed the relative silence immensely, and while I didn't get a lot done (cursed laundry pile mocking me as I type) I enjoyed my girls and am looking forward to the other kids getting home. Chloe and I talked about what our lives would be like if this was the actual size of our family; a bit like peeking into an alternate universe where familes only have four people in them.
It's really, really, really good for hubby to take the middle kids by himself for a weekend. I did all the grocery shopping for the trip, but he had to heat the food and keep an eye on the clock so they didn't become starving monsters. And manage four kids on bikes -- none of whom want to be last on the trail -- and swimming, and who rides where in the car, and on and on. It's good for him. I chuckled under my breath when he said on the phone, "It's not the same without you." Yep, I bet it's not!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
My funny, optimistic, sweet son
They are still outside accordingly playing "bloody murder". One of the girls who cannot tell a lie (Megan) assures me it is perfectly safe. Update: they are now playing "sardines". I don't care what they're playing. All but the teen are out there, goofing off and laughing. Laughing so hard I hear them through the baby monitor which can pick them up through the master bedroom windows (they are closed). Ahhh, if only they keep this excitement all summer!
Friday, April 17, 2009
Keeping Nike in business
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
We should all be so cute
* I love to be outside. When my mommy walks to the door holding me I pump my legs and get very excited.
* Thanks to my Daddy I have touched a kitty's whiskers. Now I squeal whenever I see Miss Tiger.
* My favorite food is peas. I do not like pears. My sister Megan is very good at feeding me. I will eat more if you let me have my own spoon. I need high chair, and soon.
* I do not like the car. I like to be out places, but not the getting there part.
* When I am very tired I will only nurse on the left side. And I do not like to nurse if Mommy has just taken a shower. Too soapy, too clean. Give me some body odor, Mommy.
* When I am crying sometimes "Itsy Bitsy Spider" cheers me up. Not just the first verse; all six from that book we have. You know, climbed up the kitchen wall, the rocking chair, the maple tree ...
* When my brothers and sisters are gone I like to look at their school pictures on the wall. I pump my legs and stare.
* I am very ticklish on my sides. Sometimes I laugh so hard I get hiccups!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Signs of Spring
Sunny weather!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Free Aveeno Hair Products!
I shamelessly stole this link from another mommy's post! My apologies, but wanted to share the word you can get free, full sized bottles of shampoo and conditioner from Aveeno. Just fill our their short questionnaire & you're good to go!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Growing kids
Parents who cook for large numbers of children know of what I speak. It means boxes of cereal at breakfast; sandwiches, snacks, and bagels in lunches; a dozen muffins after school and a dozen huge tacos, vegetables and rice devoured at dinner; one gallon of milk, one loaf of bread, and one pitcher of orange juice per day. This is followed by ice cream at night. And baby is nursing so much I can hardly keep her full.
I know it's good for them and necessary. With three kids running track, and one playing indoor soccer as well, it is to be expected. Still, the food demand around here is mind boggling, and lately the more I cook the more they eat, with no left overs. Yet, I still hear "Mom, there's a famine!" and other remarks suggesting there is not enough food. I just feel I cannot keep up. I have invested time in finding particularly filling, heavy foods to serve along with my regular dishes. Recently when serving cheeseburgers I fried eggs and served them inside the bun on top of the beef. Anything to fill them up. Oatmeal and cheese (not together!) have become invaluable, as has the potato.
They're. Still. Hungry.
I always wondered how buffet style restaurants kept in business -- their food is low quality and frankly, not at all appealing to me. Until now. I might just drive these starving kids over to one and let them loose!
Sesame Street Gangsta Rap