Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Emmie fancies felines

Emmeline discovered the outdoors, and in attempt to make up for lost time she asks to go out a lot.

Ohhhh a pretty kitty!   Kitty come play?   Play with me?  Here I have your bowl.  Sorry I dumped the food  out first, just couldn't stop myself.   Down?  Come down?

Wisely, kitty is unsure of the small toddler

Oh no, kitty going away!   Kitty bye bye!  Wait for Emmie?

Oh, the kitty ran away.   Mommy, you might want to put that camera down because in three seconds I am running through this hedge! 

Saturday, January 16, 2010


It is hard to write about the trials of daily life when the tragedy of Haiti is heavy on my heart.   To acknowledge starving newborns and babies crying for their mothers, dead, is almost more than I can wrap my brain around.  

Lord, help these people.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The 15 month old

Dear readers of my Mommy's blog:
I am Emmeline and am 15 months old.  It's tough work, and I take it seriously.   There is a lot of do, and a lot to learn.  On top of that I have to follow other people's schedules which sometimes make me cranky since I like to be in control of things myself.   How do you guys have this place figured out?  

 Hey, there is a DUCK water spout over here!   That's genius!


Oh, that duckie was cold on my fingers!   I liked, it though!   What more can I do out here?

ps can you tell my mom to not fiddle with her blog while I am awake?  She should instead be enriching my mind with trips to the mall songs, play dough, books, finger games, interesting foods and exotic animals. 

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Great Mascara Debacle of 2010

Dearest readers: Take note when health officials say to throw out old mascara and make up in general after two months. Why? 'Cuz you can get a nasty EYE STYE if you use long lost mascara you found under the seat in your car while looking for infant daughter's missing shoe.


Sunday, January 3, 2010

Let's hear it for overalls

Over the weekend one of my daughters and I delved into the evil world known as Shopping for Jeans. A world known to make confident, grown women shirk and grimace. A world with only one equal atrocity -- shopping for swimsuits. A world of heavy sighs, material tight on thighs, waists too big whilst pant leg too narrow.

First of all, who are these jeans supposed to fit? Really, how many women have coltish, long legs like that? And Lord save us all from the Skinny Jean. Pure and utter evil in denim. There were even some with neon zippers at the ankles! Who do designers think looks good in those? Listen, if gorgeous young teens with high butts, athletic legs and flat stomachs look wrong in them, they really are Bad Jeans. The only worse pant I saw was from the "Not your Daughters Jeans" rack. Come on. You might think after having six full term babies I would embrace a built in tummy control panel in my jeans. But no. Not jeans like this: the rear pockets were spaced so high on the jeans and far apart from each other my rear looked ginormous, truly huge. Made me actually giggle aloud in the changing room. Note to designers: pocket placement is important. Pockets wide apart = appearance of wide hips. Also, big, glittery flap on widely spaced back pockets = complete failure of cute butt attempt. And while not really mandatory my hind side be cute, it does need to be covered. Chant it with me now, readers: No More Low Rise Jeans, No More Low Rise Jeans, No More Low Rise Jeans ...

Gorgeous daughter and I shook our heads in dismay. New jeans were not to be ours.