We had soccer games beginning at 8:45. And you have to get your player there early to warm up, and oh yes we were snack parents, too. An early start. Later that day, here we were, on our annual obligatory pumpkin patch trip. The sun might have been right in their eyes, but nevermind, sit and smile like ya mean it!

Here's an aerial shot of the corn maze the kids completed:
We got up early with baby. Here's the thought process: we wake her up early and hope she takes a nap later in the day. Can ya guess how it's going? After a lot of required morning work we drove across the city to pick up Suzanna's birthday cake, because it's her "Halloween Costume Birthday Party." Thank heavens for the other kids, who made these spooky eyes of shaved radishes and sliced olives. We meant to later paint olive oil on them to make them appear slimy, but we forgot. We also bobbed for apples, made gross body parts out of food, made ghostie candles, etc.
Hey, here's an idea: in between caring for the baby and preparing for the onslaught of seven girls to arrive, why don't we go with Chloe to College Visitation Day at the convention center? Let me just say I did not think there would be so many schools and people there. Guess how many had babies in tow? Guess how many times I heard, "Starting early, huh?" or "A little early for her, isn't it?"
Answers: None, and Five.
And here we have the CUTEST baby in a pumpkin costume. Her teeth kinda match the pumpkin's. Doesn't she look energized? Well, she should after her long, invigorating 20 minute nap in the car coming back from the College Fair. Some babies just do not need much rest, people. I got one of 'em.