Thursday, June 25, 2009

Glimpses of a Man

My son is a great guy. Really. Yes, he likes video games and we argue about it. A lot. That aside, he is turning into an entirely likable young man. He is cheerful. He is a great student and loves to read. He is a boy scout. He loves his family and is especially kind with Emmeline. I feel lucky to get to watch him grow; his potential is endless.
First he might have to ditch the glo stick eyeglasses!

Rest in Peace MJ!

Oh, Michael, we hope you find peace now!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Fathers Day

My husband is easy to please. For Fathers Day he wanted to find a park we had never been to, bring bikes and "softball" equipment (old Little Tykes bat and a wiffle ball), and spend the day enjoying each other. We also hunted for a gas grill to hook up on our deck, but alas the store with the best supply was *closed* and we will need to try again this week. Don't want you to think we skimped on his gift!!!!!

Stretching after the long car ride

Biking through a hazelnut grove


The path led to a beach on the Willamette River. We had the park to ourselves except for the Citizens for Artistic Interpretation group which was hosting, I kid you not, Medieval Day Activities. It was like we had driven into Sherwood Forest and were looking at Friar Tuck and Robin Hood. I actually find this soft of thing totally interesting and would have gone to participate in some jousting, etc. but my family thinks otherwise.

Luckily we dismounted before hitting the pebbles

Emmeline, Tom and Megan

Chloe, Tom and babe

Sunday, June 21, 2009

World's Worst Drink

It seemed like a good purchase: contains vitamins, says "all natural" right on the front. Let me save you the money; it tastes like diluted jam. Or melted, drippy bubble gum. Or syrup with otter pop mixed in. SO disgusting!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Glo sticks

Recently I went on a mini tirade about children leaving things in pockets and having items go through the laundry. The event was spurred on by my discovery of a glo stick in the dryer. Glo sticks are plastic tubes full of noxious, flurescent liquid. Kids usually wear them around the neck, and they are quite popular around Halloween and at parties. No one would claim responsibility for the glo stick, which of course only upped my passion in the mini tirade: 'ruining clothes, grumble grumble, chemicles on Emmeline's baby clothes, grumble grumble.'

Afterwards I looked at the glo stick more closely.

It was actually the suction tube to my breast pump, and not a glo stick at all.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sunday, June 14, 2009

They don't tell you this beforehand

One day, mommies, you might wake up, look at your daughter and realize with sharp shock how grown up she is. I know, you don't think it will happen to YOU. You will be in touch and focused on your daughter - consistently current, right? I used to think that, too. Then, my oldest daughter had her 8th grade promotion and I was taken aback. She is a young woman. Time, where have you gone?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I must have blinked

Somehow my twins have become so grown up! Motherhood is like that -- the days seem long, yet the years are short.
Ages seven

Ages twelve
Edit: for those who asked, Megan is older by 28 minutes

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Just swimmingly

We had been talking about taking Emmeline to our local swimming pool. She loves her bath and is surprisingly comfortable in water. Today was the day!

Swimsuit from Target, legs from Mom

Emmeline and her Daddy had a fantastic time!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Harrison Ford in the House

Not my house, but in my neighborhood! Apparently Hans Solo himself is here in our part of Portland filming a movie! This morning on our drive to school we passed two police cars & movie crews setting up. Rumor had it Harrison himself was walking around ...